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At the root of every adventure we go on as a family, there is Sean.  He is a dreamer and a doer.  He has accomplished so much in his life because he puts his mind to it and does whatever necessary to accomplish his goals.  

Sean was born in Utah, but then lived in Washington, Kentucky, West Virginia, and then came back to Utah during High School.  He is the oldest of 5 kids and is a natural leader.  Sean's mom always talks about how he was always exploring and finding ways to entertain himself growing up.   Sean played football and wrestled in high school and played football in college.  Sean is the "life of the party" is always looking for fun and adventure.

Sean is a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesiologist (he's the guy that puts you to sleep for surgery or gives epidurals) by trade.  He co-owns two successful businesses called Elite Anesthesia Associates PLLC, and Catalyst Clinic.  Sean is the best husband, Dad, friend, and adventurer in all of his free time.  Sean loves to run and ski the most.  He has completed many different kinds of races including a 100 Mile bike race, Half Iron Man, 50 mile Ultra Trail Marathons, and mountain biking races.  He is the baker in our house and an avid Penn State football and wrestling fan. 

Here's what Tiff has to say about Sean:

"We could not be more lucky than to have Sean as a Dad, husband, and best friend.  He is the free-spirit, the provider, the constant, the adventurer, the motivator (by example), the spiritual leader, and the rock for all of us.  He is everyone's favorite and is always welcoming everyone into our home.  

Sean comes home from work every day and finds the boys to hug and kiss them and tell them how much he missed them while he was gone. Then he does the same for me and makes sure to give the dogs some love too.  He is the calmer of our family and if either of us are feeling stressed or anxious, just talking things through with him and getting his perspective is often exactly what we needed.

Sean and the boys each have a very special bond.  He has been such a sweet Dad to them and really tries to give them the best of himself all the time.  Sean loves to involve the boys in everything that he loves to do including projects around the house and his outdoor hobbies.  Sean taught all of us how to ski, mountain bike, rock climb and so many other things.  Sean desires to grow our family and cannot wait to have another little adventurer in the family.

Sean is a friend to everyone he meets.  He is not just a nice guy but actually creates strong relationships with people and genuinely cares about them.  He is always so willing to help anyone in need and truly amazes us with the things he knows how to do, fix, or how quickly he can learn.  If you can't tell, we love him a lot and think he is pretty special."

See more photos of him below.

Sean: About
Sean: Pro Gallery
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