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Maverick is almost three, going on thirteen!  He has all of us wrapped around his little finger.  What he lacks in size he makes up for in personality and confidence.  He is so curious, a climber, and loves to be outside just like the rest of us.  He has already had one ski season under his belt and will start another one this winter.  Now that Grahm is in full day school, Mav hangs out with Tiff during the day.  He is very helpful and also likes to spend his time emptying cupboards, closets, drawers, and anything else he can find.  We spend alot of time outside during the day in the backyard, playing fetch with the dogs, going on bikerides, going to the park, running errands with Mom, or  playing with friends.  He is always very excited for Grahm to come home and play.  They are best buddies.

Mav loves to be goofy right before bedtime with Grahm.  He loves to hang out on the table or counter wherever we are.  He's always trying to help cook and clean and do chores.  He is so fun to take to support Grahm in all of his activities and will soon be starting some of his own.

We also adopted Maverick from birth.  He was born towards the end of 2020.   An open relationship with his birth family has been in place since the beginning.  We love his birth family and spend time with them whenever we can.  We also keep them updated with Mav's daily life on social media and through text.  We feel so honored to have been chosen by them to raise Maverick and do not take that responsibility lightly.

There is no doubt that Mav will be a tender, loving, and fun older brother.

Maverick: About
Maverick: Pro Gallery
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